General Membership PTO Meeting Schedule
2024-2025 General PTO Membership (in other words, any Jordan family member) meetings will be held in the school cafeteria on the following dates. These are subject to change based on school activities and the Executive Board will send out reminders or updates prior to each meeting.
- Wednesday, August 21 9:15am
- Wednesday, February 26 9:15am
- Wednesday, May 7 9:15am
Make sure to subscribe to all of our calendars so you don't miss any Jordan events!
Jordan Elementary Calendar
For school specific events not held by PTO
Executive Board Meetings
PTO executive board meeting date, time and location
Jordan PTO Events
District Events
How to Subscribe to Any of the Above Calendars:
- Right click the subscribe button and click "Copy Link Address"
- Then follow the instructions for your calendar software:
- Google Calendar Instructions
- Microsoft Outlook Instructions (Scroll down to the "Add an Internet Calendar Subscription to Outlook" section)
- Android Instructions
- iPhone Instructions (Scroll down to "Set up a calendar"
- iCalendar Instructions (Scroll down to the "Set up a new iCloud calendar subscription on your Mac" section)
- Instructions
Upcoming Events
- Friday, February 28
- Wednesday, March 5
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Thursday, March 20