PTO Purchases
Because of your generous contributions to our Fuel The Jet campaign and other fundraising events, the PTO is able to provide Jordan Elementary's students, teachers, and administrators with resources that would otherwise be outside of their budget. Thank you for your continued support.
Classroom and Administration Supplies
Office and Workroom Supplies
JES Clinic Supports
PBIS Material
PE, Art, Music, Library, Computer Lab, and Guidance Supplements
Curriculum Expenses
PTO Sponsored Events
Staff Welcome Breakfast
Kindergarten Send-Off and Supplies
Back to School Bash
Staff Luncheons and Hospitality
Veterans Day Parade
Movie Night
Girls Spring Fling
Boys Bash at Deer Run
5th Grade Promotion
Kindergarten Registration Signs
Student Info Cards
Bus Driver Appreciation
- Classroom and Administration Supplies
- Office and Workroom Supplies
- JES Clinic Supports
- PBIS Material
- PE, Art, Music, Library, Computer Lab, and Guidance Supplements
- Landscaping
- Curriculum Expenses
- Staff Welcome Breakfast
- Kindergarten Send-Off and Supplies
- Back to School Bash
- Staff Luncheons and Hospitality
- Veterans Day Parade
- Movie Night
- Girls Spring Fling
- Boys Bash at Deer Run
- 5th Grade Promotion
- Kindergarten Registration Signs
- Student Info Cards
- Bus Driver Appreciation
- Classroom and Administration Supplies
- Office and Workroom Supplies
- JES Clinic Supports
- PBIS Material
- PE, Art, Music, Library, Computer Lab, and Guidance Supplements
- Landscaping
- Playground Improvements (4-Square, Hopscotch, Basketball Lines)
- Curriculum Expenses
- Staff Welcome Breakfast
- Kindergarten Send-Off and Supplies
- Back to School Bash
- Staff Luncheons and Hospitality
- Book Fair Pastries
- Veterans Day Parade
- Movie Night
- Girls Spring Fling
- Boys Bash at Deer Run
- 5th Grade Promotion
- Kindergarten Registration Signs
- Student Info Cards
- Bus Driver Appreciation
- Classroom and Administration Supplies
- Office and Workroom Supplies
- Field Day Supplements
- 3 Outdoor Multi-Use Tents
- JES Clinic Supplies
- PBIS Materials
- PE, Art, Music, Library, and Guidance Supplements
- Computer Lab Supplies
- Landscaping
- Curriculum Expenses
- PTO Sponsored Events
- Staff Welcome Breakfast
- Staff Hospitality Treats and Morale
- Quarterly Staff Luncheons
- 5th Grade Promotion Signs and Ceremony Decorations
- Kindergarten Registration Signs
- Kindergarten Photo Folders
Classroom Office Supplies
PE, Art, and Music Equipment
Literacy Room Supplements
Playground balls
Speakers & Author Visits
STEM Materials
PBIS Materials
Math Manipulatives
Curriculum Expenses
- Landscaping
- PTO Sponsored Events:
- 5th Grade Promotion Signs
- Back to School Bash
- Kindergarten Send Off Treats and Photo Folders
- Family Movie Night
- Fall and Spring Book Fair Decorations and Treats
- Veteran's Day Breakfast and Decorations
- Girls Winter Wonderland Dance
- Boys Bash
- Quarterly Teacher Luncheons
- Staff Hospitality Events
- Welcome Back Breakfast
- Teacher luncheons
- Monthly Staff Birthday Treats
- Inaugural t-shirts for every student and teacher.
- 8 Folding tables and cart for PTO and school needs.
- Our wonderful new basketball court, 4-square court & Tetherball!
- Classroom & Office Supplies
- Curriculum Expenses
- Chromebook Licenses
- Headphones
- Instruments
- PE Equipment
- Art Supplies
- Bee Bots
- Books
- Shade structures for playground
- Landscaping
- Playground balls
- PTO Sponsored Events:
- Back to School Bash
- Kindergarten Send Off Breakfast
- Family Movie Night
- Girls Event
- Boys Event
- Teacher/Staff Appreciation Event
- Welcome Back Breakfast
- Teacher luncheons
- Monthly Staff Birthday Treats
Upcoming Events
- Friday, February 28
- Wednesday, March 5
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Thursday, March 20