Fuel the jet image7th Annual Fuel the Jet Investment Campaign

Back and better than ever, the Fuel the Jet Investment Campaign will once again be the primary fundraiser for our upcoming 24-25 school year! This check-writing campaign serves as the main source of fundraising for the Jordan Elementary PTO. The PTO raises funds to fill the gap between the funding Jordan receives from Williamson County Schools and what our administrators and teachers need to provide our students with the outstanding education we have all come to expect.


This year’s campaign will be running from September 3, 2024 until September 13, 2024.


Your donation is 100% tax deductible, and 100% of the proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly back to your students and Jordan Elementary! Click the Donation Button to donate, or access the Donation Flyer to read more. 


Also, did you know that many companies offer a company match? Consult the Company Match Flyer and see if your company would be willing to donate as well. If you have any questions, please contact our VP of Fundraising at jordanptofundraising@gmail.com. Thank you for your support of the school and the PTO!











What is the 2024 Fuel the Jet Campaign Goal? 


Based on our current budget needs, our fundraising goal for this year’s campaign is just over $45,000. We are requesting a minimum donation of $125/student. Funds raised through the Fuel the Jet Investment Campaign will be spent this school year. The funds raised via Fuel the Jet go directly back to the school and your children through grants to enhance classrooms, purchase critical curriculum, fund a part time staff member’s salary, plan community events and much more.

If you have specific budgetary questions, please reach out to our PTO Treasurer, Ana Durand-Pratts, at jordanptotreasurer@gmail.com.


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